Mitsubishi Repair: signal lights problem, galant vr4, fuse block
Questioni've just bought a 1987 galant vr4 and sometimes when i either lock or unlock the car with the remote, the turn signal lights stay on and won't turn off. I have tried everything save for replacing fuses, wiring or other electrical crap. Help?
AnswerAndrew: Sounds like a short someplace in the wiring, you need to get yourself a repair manual, they cost around $20.00 at most parts stores. And a voltmeter, the manual will explain what readings you should be getting. Work yourself around till you find the short. You did not put a new radio into the car did you? As you could have messed something up that way. Another thing you might check is the turn signal/hazard flasher,it is a square module located in the wiring harrness next to the fuse block under the dash 1991 or older cars, that might be bad and so causing a short. Just replace the whole module and see if that fixes your problem. Always take the module into the parts store to make sure they give you the right one for your car. You might check some of the relays too, they would be in a black box under the hood with the engine. You might have a bad one there too. That repair manual would give you some ideas to check too. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda