Mitsubishi Repair: 1997 mitsubishi galant automatic tranny problem, mitsubishi galant, little cars
QuestionWhen i put my car into drive it just revs up as if it was in neutral, and also when its in gear it makes a ticking noise inside the tranny. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?
AnswerMatt: When is the last time you changed the fluid, filter and added a bit of transmission conditioner? I would try that first to see if that helps the problem. Then you should have your car coded to see what the computer might kick out as the problem. The computer controls the transmission as to when it shifts and other things. Got an AutoZone close by, it will code your car for free. But first off get that transmission fluid and filter changed. Clean the pan good to check to see if that is any thing in the pan that shouldn't be there. Such as pieces of steel, check the color of the fluid coming out of the transmission. Pink, good; pink and brown, not so good; all brown, bad news; but brown with a burnt smell, you got big problems with your transmission. Still try changing the fluid, filter and get some transmission conditioner at a parts store. Sometimes that will fix the problem if nothing else fix it enough so you can trade the car off. Or else if you love the car, then take it to a transmission shop, as they will be able to tell you what is going on with the car. Those automatic transmission are really hard to understand as there is all kinds of clutches inside, sensors and then the computer controls it all. Oh hey, check to see what kind of tranmission fluid your car is to have and if it is costly put it in anyway. You cheat on the fluid and you will then cook the transmission. As these little cars put out a lot of heat and they need the right transmission fluid as to keep the transmission cool. God bless: Linda