Mitsubishi Repair: Dodge colt transmission limp mode reset, negative battery cable, transmission control unit
QuestionHow do I reset the transmission control unit? Car has been going in and out of limp mode and now stuck in limp. 92 Dodge colt wagon 1.8 litres. Engine computer shows no codes, all clear after work on a few sensors. Transmission control unit shows only one reading, pegged to right
I'm not too familiar with the Colts, but I do know that there's no button or anything like that that will reset the TCU. But you can reset it simply by disconnecting negative battery cable for a minute or so, or disconnect power to the TCU itself. Some codes are stored on the TCU and can only be cleared after the fault has been fixed. Else, you may get lucky that removing power will reset it and the code won't return.
Good luck!