Mitsubishi Repair: Mitsubishi L200 clutch probs, mitsubishi l200, l200 4life
Questionwhen i put the clutch peddle down on my L200 4life 2000 plate, it fails to dis-engage from the engine,when i apply power it has plenty of pull and gives off no clutch small,could this be the thrust barring or could my clutch fluid be low, i just had new brake pipes fitted ,could this be a lack of fluid throuhg out its system? regards norrie macleod
AnswerNorrie: Could be a leak in the system. My repair manual says this.. master or release cylinder faulty, hose/pipe burst or leaking, connections leaking, no fluid in the reservoir box( that reservoir is up up close to there you add fluid to the brakes), so check it. You should be able to see on the side of the reservoir box, the add and fill marks. If you just had the car worked on, maybe they unhooked something and did not rehook it. Or they put a hole into on the hoses well I would think you should take the car back to whoever worked on it and get them to check their work. And also see what is the problem with the clutch in your car. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda