Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage wont start, mitsubishi mirage, 2001 mitsubishi mirage

QUESTION: I have been going through this for over two years, four mechanics and over 1000.00.  I am at a loss after just paying 800.00, it is doing it again.  What happens is after I drive it for awhile, stop say at the grocery store, come out and the car won't do anything when I turn it over.  Nothing.  About 5 to 10 tries and it starts.  We have had the starter replaced, three batteries, and recently the battery cables.  They have done volt tests on it, a diagnostic at the Mitsubishi Dealer and no one seems to be able to find the problem.  I am at a loss and don't have money to keep putting in this car.  It has 120,000 miles on it.

ANSWER: Sherri: Have they ever coded the computer to see what it will throw out something? As to something wrong with the sensors but it could be the computer is bad in your car. Sometimes these cars just have problem but it is never found. I wish I had better news for you, you might try replacing the computer in the car. As the computer controls everything that is done or works in the car, its self might be bad. Or else I guess I would trade the car off, I understand about not wanting to put much more money into the car so trading it would be your next way to go. With 120,000 miles on it maybe it is time to find a different car. I really wish I could help you. But it could be one of a million things. Why not take it to a new shop, ask them to do a coding on the computer as you are having some problems with the car. See what kind of reading they get back from the computer. If it shows nothing then it could be the computer. But gee, those computers are pretty costly, I think you need to sit down at your kitchen table to make a list... about the car. The good and bad points... how much money you have put into this car and how much more you are willing to put into it. Then think about it and if you are a Christian pray on it. Then decide what to do. One thing did this just start happening on its own, just one day it started doing this. Was your car in a crash, or a bump like into another car or a curb something on that order. Can you think back to anything like that? Just what was the car doing before it starting doing this trick of its? As that might help the dealership or shop find the problem if you can remember anything like that. God bless: Linda

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Linda.  That is where I am at with it, waiting it out, through this "recession" and then just getting another car.  The four mechanics have been four shops!  I think the last place I took it, put it on some kind of computer to check voltage and stuff.  They replaced the battery cables and put this new battery in it.  Nope, just one day it started doing it.  It is worse in the summer months.  So yes, I will say a little prayer and hope it will get me through to next year.  Thank you and have a great weekend.

Sherri: Has any of those shops said anything about the computer? My son had a car that started very well in the summer but when it got cold, you would have to work at getting it started. But then his was older car than your's but it turned out to be  two very important sensors. I worked a long, long time before I got to bottom of his car and it did cost him a lot of money. Kids will be kids; I got it fixed and he traded the car off. Though it is a pain, the car always starts after working at it for 5 to 10 trys. Then I guess that is what you are stuck with for now. As I fear we are not to the bottom of this recession just yet. But heck, if fuel keeps going up we might all be riding horses again anyway. lol. I will keep you in mind check around with friends and will see what I can find out  anything for you. Maybe everyone is looking in wrong spot, it is not something to do with voltage but something else. See what I can find out. You too have a good weekend and hope you get some sunshine with it. God bless: Linda

Hey Sherri: I talked to a few friends and of course we all work on cars; here is another thought to check on your car...check fuel pressure regulator, remove the vacuum line to check for the present of fuel, if so replace the fuel pressure regulator. As this does happen to a lot of cars though your car's year. I mostly work on older cars. So there is something else to check, I really hope it fixes the problem. God bless: Linda