Mitsubishi Repair: 95 mitsubishi eclipse, crank sensor, mitsubishi eclipse

i have a problem with my 95 eclipse 2.0 turbo. i have spark plugs, fuel, timing belt is good, it turns over but wont start! i tried putting starting fluid in and still dont start. it shows all my sensors are good can u help me out with it?

Jennifer: Try turning the distributor cap, well take the cap loose. There are two screws that hold it in place. Loosen the screws to where you can turn the distributor cap to the left first and try to start the car. If that don't work put the cap back to where it was and then turn it to the right, then try to start the car. If the car will start once you turn the distributor cap then the timing is off on the car. And you will need to get someone to time the engine. There is also a crank sensor in the distributor cap, sometimes through it still shows it is ok, it gets a kind of while dust on the pieces of inside the cap that the rotor hits, if you get to much white dust. Again the car will not start. You could check the inside of the cap, just loosen those screws, leave the cap hooked to the stark plug wires that are on its cap, but kind of pull the top cap off to the side, and then look to see if there is any dust. If so use a screwdrive to kind of clean the dust off. And again try to start the car. Does the car turn over fast or is the starter slow? If the starter is not turning the engine very fast, then it could be the starter is getting weak or the battery needs replacement. You say there is fuel going into the engine. Have you had the fuel pump tested to make sure it is putting out enough pressure? Sometimes the pump will get weak and not put out enough pressure therefore not enough fuel for the engine to start on. Check the battery and its cables, those cables must be tight and clean too. You could have a broken or loose wire in the starting circuit. Would need a voltmeter and a repair manual for your car so you would know the right readings, most parts stores sell these repair manual for around $20.00 and well worth the money. Could have a problem with the wires at the ignition coil or faulty coil. So there is some ideas to try and check. Hope something helps and God bless: Linda