Mitsubishi Repair: starting problems, cylinoid, side fender

my buddy replaced his battery in his 1999 mitsubishi mariage because it wasnt starting and had no charge. then the battery died and he replace the alternator and the battery again however now it doesnt start and he still has no power. i was thinking it might have sometihing to do with the electrical system and or the cylinoid but i dont know can you help?

Ryan: How old are the cables on the battery? Are they clean and in good working order? Is everything tight? These little cars are very touchy, those cables on that battery have to be super tight, so that when you grab the cable, turn it, you turn the battery too. My repair manual says things are the things to check... loose, broken or faulty wiring in the charging circuit, short in the vehicle wiring( could test that with a repair manual for the car and a voltmeter).Can buy a repair manual at most parts stores for around $20.00. Son had a problem like this with his car, and it turned out the wiring that runs up under the driver's side fender, had worked down and the tire rubbed on the wires which now kept the car from starting. So Maybe you should check to see if the wiring is ok, in that fender but also check those other things I wrote about. Hope this helps and God bless. Linda