Mitsubishi Repair: Gas, charcoal canister, nozzle
Question98 Spyder GST. When I try to put gas, I can't fill it up. Something is not allowing the gas pump nozzle to put gas in the tank. I can't put in $1 worth without the nozzle clicking off. I put in the nozzle in the hole very little and squeeze slowly or else it will cut off as if the tank was full already. It takes a long time to get in 5 gallons of gas. Hope you can help.
This can happen for a couple reason. One, you may have a clog in the gas vapor breather line. Sometimes debris can get in there and clog it up. You may just need your mechanic to inspect and clean out the line. Also, if you are someone that typically tops off the tank (essentially filling the tank until it spills out), that will cause your charcoal canister to fill with gas and prevent the system from being able to breathe properly. This is not a good practice, and you should stop doing it if you have done so in the past. Have your mechanic inspect and replace your charcoal canister (fuel vapor canister)if necessary.
Good luck!