Mitsubishi Repair: 2000 Mits Galant, radiator cap, summer cuz
QuestionI have changed the thermostat 4 times and put in a new radiator and can not figure out why I don't have heat. I freeze in winter and grill in the summer cuz no A/AC either. Any ideas for what I should look for?
Thanks - Yessie
AnswerYesenia: Have you taken your car to a shop to have this checked out? Try changing the radiator cap make sure you get the right one for your car, don't go out and just buy any cap. Then check the water pump in that it is moving the water around the engine as it should. Make sure the belt that keeps the water pump working is in good working order. Could be the radiator in your car is bad, you should have that checked, because it along with the cap does a lot in keeping you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Do you have the right amount of coolant in your system that should be tested both in the winter and in the summer. Then you should have the heater core checked, check all the hoses that run from it, also check all the vacuum hoses you could have a leak in one of those and they also control how everything works too. There are some ideas to check, hope something helps you and God bless: Linda