Mitsubishi Repair: 88 mitsubishi magna - poss water leak and broken wiper, mitsubishi magna, ok lol

Hi Anthony,

I have two issues with my car, one is some little git decided it would be very amusing to bend the windscreen wiper right back over the drivers window, when it was parked one night. Now the right hand wiper doesn't work at all - the left is still good but it needs fixing - what do I need to do? The second issue I just discovered to day, the carpet on the rear right hand side passenger seat (behind the drivers seat) is soaking wet - any idea what might hae caused it.

Thanks millions,


OK lol on your first problem can you spin the driver side wiper back and forth the proper way free hand with out turning it on? If you can then more then likely you will need a new motor. Some cars have a motor on each side of car. Also I would inspect to see if it is binding somehow. The best way to inspect this problem would be to take both your wipers off and cabin area apart so you can see just about everything. I would then turn them back on and see if you can see the gear moving. Let me know after you check these things.

The second problem with wet floor. Do you have a convertible?lol.

Leaking roof? Does it have a smell to it? OK first thing I would do honestly if there is no smell then I would dry it up as good as I could and every time I got into the car I would check the area to see if it gets wet again. The only things that come to mind are gas!! But that would be a smell you could not forget. Wiper fluid if it is installed into the trunk area like my car. leaking roof or window. Or spilled drink lol. I'm not joking when I ask you to check these things it's kind of common. Please get back to me on the update and I will also look more into it. Thanks ,Kevin