Mitsubishi Repair: 94 Diamante LS (Transmison?), older cars, filter change
QuestionI got stuck in some snow and did the pull forward back up repeatedly until free drove the roughly 2 miles to my house. then the next time I started the car it only managed the strength to back up a few yards before being rendered immobile. A few days later i was able to pull forward and backup a very short distance. Wondering if this is the transmison or the trans axle?
AnswerPaul: Not a good idea on the old transmission to do that forward and back as to get out of a snow bank. But shoot we all do it. I would say the transmission, you could do a fluid and filter change to see what the filter tells you about the transmission, as to how much metal you end up with in the pan. But then that might help the transmission too, a bit of transmission conditioner goes a long ways with these older cars. Just how cold is it where the car is sitting now? Does it sit in a garage or outside? Could try to warm up the transmission a bit, such as get the car into a garage to see if that helps the problem or not. You said you got stuck in some snow, you could have pushed the snow up into someplace, which now froze and so causing the car problems. But the worse thing is that you might have broke something in the transmission too. I am hoping it is the cold and the snow, though. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda