Mitsubishi Repair: 2003 eclipse gts timing belt, tensioners, timing belt
Questionnew timing belt keeps jumping, 3rd time in shop?
AnswerOK first thing is did you replaced all tensioners? This is very important because the belt is new and is very tight so the tensioners may not be able to handle it.
Also make sure you have placed the belt at the right tensions. If all of these have been replaced then the next step is to make sure all timing marks are lined up properly. Then inspect all teeth on the gears. That means timing sprockets, the oil pump, the crankshaft and balance gear. If all these line up then the next step is to check the teeth on the belt for wear. I know you replaced it but it can happen.
Please also make sure that the belt is the proper one for you car.
If this is all correct please get back to me and I'll take you further into it. I will get you through all this step by step. If you don't have knowledge of cars and only asking because nobody at a shop can figure it out then let me know and I'll send you in a different direction. Thanks again Kevin.