QuestionQUESTION: My 92 mitsubishi is stuck in 3rd gear, what is the cause of this and where is the tcu located?
ANSWER: Robin: When is the last time you changed the fluid and filter in the transmission? I would try that and see if that helps the problem. Other wise there is a problem in the transmission and so the computer has locked the transmission into third gear. Those transmission are often hard to fix, it could a sensor is out, could be changing that fluid and filter will fix the problem. But could be you will have to either rebuild the transmission or replace it too. If this has been going on for a long time, you might have cooked all the clutches inside the transmission. Oh I would code the computer too to see what it might kick out at you as to the problem in the system. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda
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QUESTION: how would I code the computer? The check engine light does not come on when I turn the key. Also there is a short in my left blinker light switch, could this be part of the problem? thanks so much
ANSWER: Robin: Take the car to a shop, they will hook your car up to their inshop computer. Then that computer will kick out any problem that might be out there. Sometimes the check engine light will come on and sometimes not. The short in your left turn single light would have nothing with the fact that check engine light is coming on or not, and also that short would not stop your car from shifting. Only the computer can lock it in third gear. You know your car is the right year for those bad computer too, in that Mitsubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company that did not build very good ones. A piece in the computer will start to leak into the computer and with time it kills off the computer. So could be the computer in you car is sick, so it is not working as it should. So you really need to get it coded. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda
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QUESTION: Where is the TCU located? Thanks again
AnswerRobin: Everything I have read points more to the computer then the TCU, because the computer controls that and more. Still that TCU is located in center console mounted on a bracket. You need to have your car's computer checked out too. Could be it is bad, as they did put in bad computers in cars with the same model and year as your car. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda