Mitsubishi Repair: Diamante 98, fuel pump relay, black boxes
QuestionQUESTION: Have the model listed above and recently ran out of gas. I put gas in it and made it home. When I went to start the car again, it ran for some seconds then cut off. Thought I put more gas in it and it still didn't work. Was told it could be my fuel pump so I bought another and it still doesn't work. Contacted dealership to see if this model has a fuel pump relay and was told that it doesn't. I'm starting to second guess that and was wondering if you could provide some insight. Thanks
ANSWER: Kema: Did you change the filter when you did the fuel pump? Are you sure the fuel pump is working? You can have that tested to make sure. Did you reset the computer, too? There is a fuel level sending unit that might be bad. Sounds like to be that the fuel pump is not putting out enough pressure. But again you can have that tested. Have you tried to code the computer to see what it might kick out at you as to what the problem is? Sometimes that will help in times like this. When you open the hood of your car and look at the engine, there should be one or three black boxes in under the hood; in those boxes are relays and larger fuses. You could have blown one of those, you will need a flashlight to see if the relay or fuse is blown. But I would check those, on the top of those boxes or box should be what is in the box. If you do replace a relay, remember to unhook the neg cable off the battery and then put it back on once the new relay is put in. Other wise you will blow the new relay and have to do it all over again. Sometimes it is right hard to find these relays and those larger fuses. So you might have to buy them from your dealership. But see what happens. Every car is different some has three of those boxes, some have two and some have but one. I hope this helps and God bless: Linda
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Linda! That was very helpful. Just two more questions. How do I reset the computer and where is the fuel level sending unit? I didn't change the filter so I will try that as well. Thanks a bunch.
AnswerKema: Oh hey you need to go out and buy yourself a repair manual for your car, most parts stores have them for around $20.00, Haynes is a good one and it will walk you through where that sending unit is at. You will need a voltmeter and that repair manual to get the right readings off the sending unit to see if that is your problem. But the sending unit should be back with the fuel pump or in that area. Some cars have a way to remove a plate in the tunk areas, to get to that sending unit, other wise you have to put the car up on jack stands and then get to it that way. But again that repair manual would help you so much with all of this. To reset the computer, take the neg cable off the battery, wait 5 minutes and put it take on that should reset the computer. I hope this helps and God bless: Linda