Mitsubishi Repair: Headlights reversed, low beams, lisa lisa
QuestionMy son and husband changed the lights in the car. They re-did the wiring as well as it appeared to be melted! Anyway.....they un-hooked the batter before they did the work. It is now hooked back up, the lights are working, but the high/low beams are reversed. Can you tell me how they can fix that?
AnswerLisa: They will either have to go back in the car and reversed the wires or learn to live with it. In that the they know how it was wired. I would say if they want to work on this car and that is great, I would go out and buy a repair manual for it. Parts stores have them and they cost around $20.00 well worth the money for those home work repairs. That manual would also have pictures of how the wires should go. I hope this helps and God bless: Linda