Mitsubishi Repair: Outlander Mitsubishi Headlight, 2003 mitsubishi outlander, outlander mitsubishi

How do you adjust the headlight on a 2003 Mitsubishi Outlander?

Catherine: I believe there is a screw around in the area of the headlight, well in the back of it. Might have to remove a panel to get at it, or something on the order of a screw to set that headlight. But must be super careful doing this because you could get it really messed up aother wise. Try to find a place that the car is sitting on flat ground, but the headlights are shining onto a wall or a garage door. Then find the piece needed to set the headlight and set the lights. Do it at night with someone helping you or else take the car to a shop to let them do this for you. As they would get it set right too. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda