Mitsubishi Repair: 86 conquest tsi /starion no spark, conquest tsi, crank sensor
Questioni am looking for a good idea on my my car has no spark i bought it after siting for 9 years an when i first received it i got it to run then the next day it lot spark i did the flow chart in the manual and it seaid the igniter was bad so i tired that and no change then i trow every part in the book at it witch is not the way i like to fix things i was hoping you might be able to help thnx
AnswerKyle: Ever checked the computer in the car? The computer controls everything, surely you changed the distributor cap and rotor too. Checked the timing to make sure it is not off, went as far back as making sure the battery and that whole charging system is good. It takes a lot of things to get a car's enging to run. Three very important things stark, fuel and air. You know in the distributor cap there is a crank sensor? Have you checked the coil? You might have to get yourself a voltmeter and check the whole system. If you had the car running at some point and now she won't fire; something is causing that. The voltmeter would show you the way on that, use the voltmeter and the repair manual to know the right readings. Start with the battery and work your way around the engine till you find your problem. I hope this helps and Happy New Year! Linda