Mitsubishi Repair: Fuel Lightning, mitsubishi magna, fuel light

I have a Mitsubishi Magna, 2003, and when I start it on, the fuel light outside the dash board is lightening for about 40 minutes, even if it's full tank. besides, the fuel sign itself doesn't make lightening but the one appears suddenly near the clock.
Could you please tell me what this means?

Thank you

Hamdani: I think you need to take this car to a shop or dealership to see what is going on. I know the fuel light is run by a sensor that picks up when the car is low on fuel. But sounds like the sensor is all mixed up, but then the car's computer also picks up what the sensor is telling it and then the computer kicks on that light. So you have a problem either with the computer or that sensor. So you need to have the car coded to see that the computer would tell you is going on within the system. So a shop or the dealership would have to do this for you. Hope this helps and Happy New Year! Linda