Mitsubishi Repair: ENGINE MAYBE, temperature gauge, oil light
Questionok so come to find out when i bought my car they didn't tell me i had a oil leak i had them change the oil and still didn't inform me so i was driving the other night and i heard a big pop almost like backfire so i pull over to see what the hell happened nothing i could tell so i start ER back up sounds like a hole in my muffler so i kill it look under engine all looks good so i go to start again only nothing happens it doesn't even crank something sounds like caused my engine to lock anything you know that caused this if i have no oil in it and burn engine up would it cause it to lock starter? or ignition switch anything please!
If your engine completely ran out of oil, your oil light should have come on and your engine temperature gauge would have gone into the red and overheated. Without oil and the high heat, that can cause your engine to seize up and not be able to crank. That pop you heard may have been caused by a backfire due to a clogged exhaust. It may have caused your starter motor to lock up.
Have your mechanic inspect the engine to determine if it's seized. This can be pretty easily tested by removing the spark plugs and manually turning the crankshaft.
Good luck!