Mitsubishi Repair: no fire to plugs, merry christmas and a happy new year, firing order

I changed dist.cap rotor and wires and plugs i cant get any spark to  plugs

Bob: Try turning the distributor cap to the left or to the right. When doing the stark plugs and wires, did you take off one wire at a time, in that did you do one stark plug, its wire, then replaced that wire and stark plug with the new ones and go on to the next stark plug/wire. Or did you take them all off and then put them all on. Could be you got the wires mixed up so the car's firing order is off. Sometimes when you turn the distributor cap to the left or to the right it will put the car back in the right order so it will start. Other wise you will have to go out and buy a repair manual for your car. It will explain the right order for the firing order and the car will then start. Oh one more thing, before you did all that repair was the car running? Just wondering is all. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year: Linda