Mitsubishi Repair: 1994 mitsubishi galant starting problems..., mitsubishi galant, car wont start
QuestionHello, My 94 Galant just stopped starting one day... I replace the battery so its not the problem... But when I put the key in the ignition and turn it, all the lights come on such as the clock and my stereo, just the car wont start... I can hear it click, and I can hear a whining noise, but no start... Can you help me here? Im thinking it need a new ignition... just wanting to be sure though... Thanks...
Most likely, your starter motor has gone bad. You are describing the classic symptoms of that. If you simply cannot get the car started (sometimes a couple light taps with a hammer on the starter motor can help), have it towed to a mechanic for inspection and replacement of the starter.
Good luck!