Mitsubishi Repair: 1992 mitsubishi pajero, coolant water, compuss
Questionhi there i have a 1992 mitsubishi pajero jap import i have owned it for 2 months everything is great but 2 days ago a orange warning light came on next to the oil light it used to go off if i turned a corner then come back on when i turned another one the compuss also goes off sometimes do you have any ideas what this light means thanks dawn
AnswerDawn: The computer in your car has picked up a problem in the system and it picked the light on. You need to have the car coded, that would be hooking your car's computer up to another computer and then it would send a print out as to the problem with the car. Because it could be anything. So you need to find a shop that could code your car and see what is going on. You could on your own, check the air filter, coolent level, brake fliud; I am not saying any of these will fix the problem but still one of those might be low and that is what the light is about. Or it could be a sensor. If the light go off when you turned the corner sounds like your car might be low on coolant(water) I would check that. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda