Mitsubishi Repair: heater, vacuum leak, many different things

2003 lancer blows out cold air. The fan controller (cold to hot switch) is obviously malfunctioning, possibly also the PCM reflash. I am having a hard time removing the whole controller panel- how do I remove the panel when it's attached to the controller cables; I can't get to it to get it off.

Brent:It could be in that panel but it could be that you have a vacuum leak and so the car is not moving the vents right inside the heater. So I would either try to buy a repair manual for your car, most parts stores have them for around $20.00 and well worth the money. Or else take the car to a shop and let them fix it. As your car is new enough that it has all kinds of things on it that could be causing this problem. Not all in that panel. It could be that a cable has come off that controls that, but that cable might be the one that running in the back of the dash, on the drivers side of car that you have to stand on your head to get to. So I would take the car to a shop to get this fixed because it could be one of many different things wrong. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda