Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Mitsubishi Mirage, cv joints, 2001 mitsubishi mirage

My Mirage sounds loud. Meaning. When running faster than 30 mph there is a loud vibration type noise. It sounds as if it is running in the wrong gear, however when switching to neutral the sound stays the same. We are questioning the CV joint at this point. There is no grinding noise - just loud and almost vibration. The noise disappears under 30 mph and when making a left turn. Any suggestions?

Christina: Right out of my repair manual things to check... out of balance front wheels and/or tires, out of round tires and worn CV joints, excessive toe-in, sticking inboard CV joint assembly so some things to check. But sounds like you are heading the way of that CV joint. Sounds like a great place to start. Hope this helps and God bless: Linda