Mitsubishi Repair: 96 eclipse rs turn signal / brake light problems, multiswitch, voltage drop
QuestionI have a 96 eclipse rs the left rear side turn signal has been giving me problems. The light flashes fine but once in a while the light stops working. If I have my head lights off it seems to work fine but when i have the heads light on and i put on the brakes the light stops working. If i wiggle the wires where the light bulb goes it seems to work but again when i have head lights on the left tail light and put on the brakes the light goes out again. i have replaced the wire where the bulb plugs into and replaced bulbs but i am still having the same problem. oh and when i have head light on or off signal works fine.
This problem usually indicates a bad bulb, bad wiring harness at the bulb, or bad switch at the steering column. If you have a voltmeter, you can trace back the line to find out where the voltage drop happens. Though if you trace it all the way back to the multiswitch on the steering column, you'll probably need to replace it.
Good luck!