Mitsubishi Repair: v6 shogun 3lit 1995, throttle position sensor, vacuum leak
Questionwont idle. just cuts out if you lift of throttle.suspect some valve in fuel injection
AnswerJames: Have you done a tune up lately? How about coding the car, you could have a weak or bad sensor someplace. There is one called the Throttle Position Sensor, not saying that is what is going on with your car. But it would be something to check. My repair manual says.... idle speed incorrect, fuel filter clogged and/or water and impurities in the fuel system, distributor components damp or damaged, faulty emissions system components, bad stark plugs, bad stark plug wires, vacuum leak. So there is a few things to check, but a good tune up might just fix the problem. Still your car is old enough I would have it coded too, just to make sure you have no problems with the computer or the sensors. If you got an AutoZone close by, they might be able to code your car for you and they will do this for free. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda