Mitsubishi Repair: Check engine light, car is stalling, exhaust timing, head gasket
I own a ford taurus 2001 it has only 42000 miles on it. My check engine light is on and car is stalling. there is no problem in starting the car. What could it be gasket, timing belt. Need help. thank you
AnswerFaisal: Check engine light, your car's computer is picking up a problem in the system. What? Good question. When is the last time you did a tune up? Change the air filter? Could be you need to change the 02 sensors. My point it could be anything, but with the check engine light on.. then you need to have the car coded. Got an AutoZone close by? They will code your car for free and then you would know what is going on. Other wise take it back to a Ford garage, they will code the car and find out what is going on; then fix it too. Don't think it is a head gasket, unless the car is heating, putting out white smoke out of the exhaust. Timing belt, the car would not start once the it broke. So go get your car coded, let the computer kick out the problem and then you can get it fixed. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda