Mitsubishi Repair: dashlights, mitsubishi galant, indicator lights
QuestionI just purchased a 1999 Mitsubishi galant. It has several problems. The battery and brake indicator lights stay on although the brake is off and the battery, alternator checked out ok. Also the security horn and flashing lights go off randomly and I don't know how to shut it off. I have no manual for help. Do you know where I can get one? Thanks
AnswerAlan: At most parts stores you can buy a repair manual for your car, they cost around $20.00. If you want a manual that would come with the car, then you will have to order that through a dealership. With the lights the computer is picking up a problem and so kicking on the lights. You might try unhooking the neg cable off the battery, wait 5 minutes and then put it back on. That might clear the code off the computer and it will stop kicking on those lights. I would say with some of those problems you might have a short in the system such as with the security horn and flasthin lights. But maybe if you clear the code off the computer it will stop that too. If clearing it as I told you does not work, if you got an AutoZone or a shop; you could pay them to code your car and then clear the computer. The coding would explain if there was a weak sensor someplace or what is going on with your car as well as the computer. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda