QuestionWhile driving her 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse my daughter noticed that her speedometer wasn't working. My question it controlled by a fuse,or the computer,or by a cable that hooks up to the transmission like the older cars of years gone bye.
Question #2
She has been having a stalling problem also. It happens mostly when she has to stop for a stop sign,or a red light.
She said she also gets a buck,mostly going up hills.
Your answers will be greatly received!
Thank You,for your input.
Your speedometer is controlled by a cable and gears in the transmission as it is in traditional vehicles.
Bucking and stalling is usually caused by improper fuel supply. A weak fuel pump, clogged fuel filter, or clogged fuel injector(s) can cause this. But other areas on the car that should be checked are the spark plugs and coil packs, air filter, exhaust system, and even the ignition timing should be inspected.
Good luck!