Mitsubishi Repair: 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer 1.5 GDI engine, intake component, cold temperatures
QuestionWe are experiencing a problem whereby our vehicle is hard starting when engine is cold and there is a loss of power and stuttering. We checked the air flow - OK, diagnostic test readings - OK, Fuel pump changed, plugs changed. When the car warms up, it works OK.
Sounds like there may be a problem with an intake component, or a temperature sensor. Your car has an engine temperature sensor that relays information to the car's computer about the engine's temperature. This instructs the proper intake components to allow extra air into the engine to make it idle properly. The common intake component responsible for this is the Idle Air Controller. If that is not functioning properly, you car may hesitate at cold temperatures. I would also recommend you have your idle timing inspected to make sure it's set properly.
Good luck!