Mitsubishi Repair: battery/fuses, dash light, door locks

First ofy anti-lock brake light has been on a while which may or may not have anytthing to do with this.
We had to get a new batter, my son, got the wrong one hooked it up and + and _ was backwards. Got right battery, then the dash light, windows, nothing electrical worked. We found a few bad fues on the inside, dash lights work nopw but not windows, ac, or door locks and the anti lock brake light and brake light and battery light is on.  How on earth do you check  the big fuses under the hood?

Amber: You pull them out and look at them with a flashlight behind the fuse, as you will be able to see if they are bad or not. I would say that you maybe blew a relay, again you can look at them and see if they are good or not. If you check all of them, you can see the ones that are good and the ones that are not. If you replace a relay with a new one, remember to unhook the neg cable from the battery and then put it back on once you have the new relay in. I hope this helps and good luck! ~Linda~