Mitsubishi Repair: A/C, vacuum hoses, diamante ls

I drive a 2001 Diamante LS.  For some reason the air will not blow out of the middle front dash vents.  Whether it is not air or cold air it just will not push any air out.  Air comes out in the side vents and the defroster also pushes out air.  I took it apart alittle with a friend and you can feel air alittle.  It almost seems like the air is being sucked back in.  I just cannot see down the shaft so I do not know exactly what is wrong.  Is this something you are familiar with?  Is this something I can fix myself.  Where can I go online to find diagrams.  Please help.  I need to know if I need to take it in or if it is something I can fix myself.  We do not have a lot of extra money so any advice would be helpful.  I live in Cali and it is starting to get hot!

Katie: Sorry to say I do not think you can fix this yourself. As your car's ac runs well I call them vents maybe more on the idea of small doors. Which open and shut as you turn the controls to make this happen. This is all run by vacuum hoses. For some reason the hose or hoses gets a small leak in them. So they no longer move the vents/doors. So your ac and heat is stuck coming out of there it is. You will have to find a shop or dealership; explain to them what is going on and they will have to fix it. To find a vacuum leak is sometimes hard. But for a shop or dealership they have the right tools for such things. If you want to get diagrams for your car, you will have to go to a parts store and buy a repair manual for your car. The manual will cost around $20.00. As most sites on line want money for their services now.Getting hot in Iowa too.  I hope this helps and good luck! Linda