Mitsubishi Repair: 93 misu mirage 1.5, car wont start, fuel pumps

my car wont start it has something to do with  the fuel system checked fuel lines fuel pump fuel filter before i spend 500 on computer want to check relay and cant find dont know where it is any help or suggestions

Sean: You can have the fuel pump checked to make sure it is putting out enough fuel. But if you have been letting the tank run down to empty before filling it up each time, you could have cooked the fuel pump. As the fuel is what keeps the pump cool. But with this high cost of fuel a lot fuel pumps are being replaced. Other wise your car is in the right year for the cars with the bad computers. Mitsubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company. That company did not make very good ones, in that a piece will start to leak into the computer and with time will kill off the computer. Your car not starting is one of the signs. You could have your car's computer coded to see if that is the problem. I believe there are some computers  companies on line that will rebuild your computer for less money than $500.00. I would be checking around. Another thing so check is the timing belt, have you ever replaced that? Hope this helps and good luck! Linda