Mitsubishi Repair: 1990 eclipse tranny problem, home mechanic, 4 months
Questionok it all started about a month after i got the car was running great and all then my slave and master cylindars went out on the clutch so i had them fix and not even 24 hours i was driveing down the highway been driving about 150 miles and i was in fifth just cruising 75 and all of a suddin there was a clicking noise what sounded like something fell of the car then about 1 mile later it happened again but this time there was a wining/grinding noise and when i slowed down it kinda went away i stop to check it out and everything seemed ok but still the noise then when i started goin again 3rd gear was solid could not get it to go in at all do you have any idea what that might be its a 2.0 dohc motor and its fwd nonturbo clutch is about 4 months old not very many miles on it and its still good im sure just something in the tranny cuz still shift perfect except 3rd
AnswerJulian: Did you fix the car yourself or did you have a shop do this work? As it sounds like something was not hooked up right. I would take it back to the shop that did the work and have them look at this. If a shop did the work. If you did it, you need to go back over the transmission because my guess would be it that something is not hooked up or put together right. Ok, checked with my repair manual... it says the lock pin or interlock pin is missing. It also said that you should have a shop check this because it is beyond the the scope of the home mechanic. So take the car to a shop and have them check this. Or if a shop did the work for you, take it back to that shop and get them to fix it right for you. You paid for the bill and you have a right to have your car fixed right. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda