Mitsubishi Repair: 1998 mitsubishi mirage, mitsubishi mirage, radiator core

My car is overheating and now the heater is not working.  I was looking in the fuse box and noticed that I have three fuses missing from the passenger side fuse box. The fuses are the fan. Could this be a reason why the car is overheating?  

Jane: Hey who took the fuses out, did you just buy this car? You can put those fuses back in and see if that helps your problem. My repair manual says this... insufficent coolant in system, water pump faulty, radiator core blocked or grille restricted, thermostat faulty, electric coolant fan blades broken or creaked( that could also mean that your fans are not working because the fuses were removed and never replaced), radiator cap not maintaining proper pressure and you could have your water pump checked as it might not pushing the water around the engine as it should. Now this is from a repair manual with some ideas if replacing the fuses does not fix the problem. I hope this helps some and good luck! Linda