Mitsubishi Repair: Magna Good Batterey, but wont crank, flywheel teeth, starter solenoid
QuestionHi my son has a Magna TE manual 3.0L V6. Two days ago it wouldn't start, my son assumed battery as it could be push started.
I checked this morning after having the car on charge all night. Headlights (even hi-beam) are fine, when I turn the ignition, I get a relay sound and then nothing, but lights are still at full strength (they don't get dim). Starter motor does not turn. Everything else look OK.
AnswerPeter: If the car can be pushed to start and the lights work, but the car won't start. I would pull the starter off and have it checked. It sounds like your starter is shot. My manual says this about this problem... to check the battery cables could not loose or bad, ignition components damp or damaged, broken, loose or disconnected wiring in the starting circuit, starter motor pinion jammed in flywheel ring gear(don't think this is your problem as the car will start when pushed), starter solenoid faulty, starter motor faulty or starter pinion or flywheel teeth worn or broken. But I still think if the starter does not turn over that your starter is shot, so get it tested that would explain anything. Got an AutoZone close by? I believe they will test that starter for you, for free. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda