Mitsubishi Repair: Car doesnt start sometimes, Makes buzzing noises inside dash, eclipse spyder, autozone

Hey i have a 97 eclipse spyder gs-t and when i go to start it sometimes it doesnt turn over or anything and just makes a buzzing noise that appears to come from inside the dash in the middle. I just got my battery checked and they said the alternator and everything is doing just fine. Also, when it acutly turns over it turns over just fine and fires right up. So, i was wondering if you could help me with this. thank you,

Andrew: That buzz noise inside the car, is the computer. You need to get your car coded, AutoZone will do it for free. Or you could get a meter and so it yourself. Well any shop can plug their computer into your car's computer and see what is going on. It is either the computer or a weak, bad sensor. You know don't you that Mitsubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company that did not make very good ones. A piece will start to leak into the computer and with time it kills off the computer. So your computer could be dying. But some AutoZone stores will do a car coding for free. I would get this checked, because if it is the computer; it could work on minute and then just die the next. I hope this helps and good luck! Linda