Mitsubishi Repair: timing belt, timing belts, lady driver
Questionhello my timing belt has snapped on my '98' carisma 1.6 . Is there any problem's that might occur, i have changed many timing belts before but not on a Mitsubishi. Would there be internal damage it wasn't high revving at the time and has never been thrashed as the car was owned by mature a lady driver, thanx for any help in this matter, Neil
AnswerNeil: Good question wish I had an answer for you. You just never know for sure, sometimes then the belt goes it takes the valves. But sometimes it doesn't, it is not an question I can answer. You will have to replace the timing belt and see what happens. I mean every car is different and I wish I could help you more with this. But this is the best I can do. Hope this helps some and good luck! Linda