Mitsubishi Repair: Mitsubishi Alternator, alternator wiring, mitsubishi sport
QuestionI have replaced the alternator on my son's 2000 Mitsubishi Sport. It died again and he replaced the battery but the alternator is not charging it up so it's draining the battery and has died several more times. Is ther an alternator relay and where is it?
AnswerFran: Some things to check... is the drivebelt tight and on right? As it is what moves the alternator and so charging the system. Are the cables right and tight on the battery? When your son starts his car, is there a indicator light that comes on and does it stay on or go off? When hooking the wires up to the alternator from the battery make sure they are put back on right. Also remember to check the mounting and adjustment bolts or make sure you are getting them tight. Should check the alternator wiring harness and the connectors at the alternator and voltage regulator. They must be in good condition and tight. There is an alternator relay, when you open the hood of the car. There should be some small black boxes one up on the firewall driver's side and one on the other side of the car. On the covers of those boxes will tell what is in them. If you replace a fuse or this relay in that box, make sure the neg cable of the battery is removed before putting in a new relay. It could be that relay but I would check the wiring on the alternator too. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda