Mitsubishi Repair: Mit L200 Turn Signal Problem, left turn signal, mitsubishi l200
QuestionI've owned a 2005 Mitsubishi L200 since July of 2004. About three months ago, my front right turn signal stopped working. I bought a new bulb (a special one!) and found that it wasn't the bulb. Then last week, the front left turn signal stopped working. It's not the bulb either. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thanks.
AnswerSandra: Oh you got one of those cool cars, but a new one too. I think it is a switch that controls those lights. I would take it to a shop and get them to find the problem. Sometimes these newer cars are hard to find the problem. But a shop would do wonders. We all like to use our turn signals so I would do that. :o) I do hope this helps some: Linda