Mitsubishi Repair: 3000gt, throttle position sensor, sensor tps
Questionit is kind of hard to explain but my 3000gt was running fine then all of a sudden is wouldnt pick up my revs wont go past 3000 and the car was very loud. and the car died it wouldnt even start and we thought it was the battery so we got a new one 2 days ago and it worked okay it still didn't kick it but we could start the car and today the revs went crazy we were at a stop light and they went from 0-1 really fast over and over again then they stayed at 0 even when we were driving then the car died? could it be the alternater?? sorry if this question is confusing i don't know how to explain it !! and i don't know alot about cars.
AnswerJessica: You need to have your car coded, could be something is going on with the computer or sensors in your car's engine. Might have someone check the throttle position sensor(TPS) it could be weak or loose; so the computer is not reading it right. And your car's RPM's are not right. The alternater only makes sure the car's system is charged. Such as in the battery. So no that would not help with this. Oh yes, AutoZone will code your car for free and that would rule out any problems with the computer or the sensors. I think you need to get this car into a shop and explain to them just as you did me. As long as you don't tell them that you don't know a lot about cars, this would be your best bet. But don't whatever you do, tell the shop that you don't know a lot about cars. Just explain what the car was doing when you started having this trouble, let them go from there. Also if they do anything work on your car, make sure you ask to see the old parts, it will keep the shop honest and keep you from spending a lot of money on things they might not replace. I hope this helps and good luck! Linda :o)