Mitsubishi Repair: Headlight removal from Eclispe 2000, rubber grommet, elbow grease

I read your replies to some of your writers regarding the headlight removal from the 2000 Eclispe and I still cant get the cover off.  I have the owners manual and its not a manual that the owner can use to service the simple things such as replace a headlight bulb.

The problem that Im having is that I cant get the cover off the back of the bulb.  I need to know if the cover is seated on...should I twist or pull straight back?  should I pry with a screw driver to remove the connector from the bulb?  what is the trick to removing the bulb from the back of the housing on a 2000 Eclispe GT?  

Chuck: You are right some of my answer were as clear as mud. Sorry about that, so I checked cyber space and got a bit better one for you. You have to first remove the rubber grommet off the back of the housing which is held in with 6 black plastic clips. So you need to unsnap them to get this headlight assembly out. Do remember when putting the whole thing back together, to snap the clips in. Anyway, when you get the grill out, you remove all two bulbs from the headlight assembly, front and blinker for each headlight. Use a 10mm socket wrench to remove the headlight bolts, put out the headlights, might take some elbow grease to get the headlights out. Have to rock them a bit. Just put back is the same process. But do remember not to touch the bulbs with your fingers but rather put on gloves to do this. I know that part sounds funny or odd to you. But your bulbs will last longer. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda :o)