Mitsubishi Repair: 96 Mit. Montero, time laps, fuse box

My 96 Montero has started to flick the oil light. It flicks from time to time, the funny thing is that the oil level is right, and it does it by time laps. Sometime while driving it flicks or turns on but later it keeps flickering.  Also my alarm does not sound at all. Where is the siren bell supposed to be?, I have looked all over and nobody seems to know.

Eli: When is the last time you had the oil changed? It would seem some of these shops are putting in a lighter weight oil when changing the oil. Some cars run just fine on that but others don't. So the next time you get your oil changed, tell them  you want 10w/30 weight, don't let them talk you out of that. As they will say oh the lighter weight oil will help your car start better or it is easier on your engine. Don't listen tell them to put in 10w/30 weight, they have it on hand. But they like to save money by putting in that 5w/30 weight. Or if you change your own oil, remember to try the 10w/30 weight. It might just fix your light problem. As for the siren bell I don't know where that would be. You could check to see if you have a fuse for it, that might be needing replacement. The fuse box is on the driver's side under the dash. I would say it would have to be up in the dash someplace. Sorry wish I was more help with that. If your car is not useing oil or burning it. The engine is not ticking or knocking then I would try the heavy weight oil to see if that helped or not. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda :o)