Mitsubishi Repair: Endeavor Transmission Filter location, mitsubishi endeavor, bottom pan
QuestionChanging the transmission fluid on an automatic 2006 Mitsubishi Endeavor, where do I find the transmission filter on the sportronic transmission? Thank You!
AnswerSteve: You need to get yourself a repair manual for your car, any parts store should have one for around $20.00. Then find the bottom of your transmission on your car, some cars have a plug to drain the fluid and others you have to remove all the bolts; then take the bottom off the transmission to get to that filter. It is not like an oil filter, as this filter is up inside the transmission. You will have to drain out all the oil to get to it. It will take I think three or maybe four bolts to remove the filter. Then you just put in the new filter, always clean the pan or the bottom of the transmission that you took off, put on the new filter, put the bottom/pan back up on the transmission. Tighten the bolts down to the right torque and put in new fluid. And way you go. Oh if you don't want to do this yourself, any shop could do it for you. Only I will ask about the pan, it would show any steel that might come down into the fluid. It is just nice to know if the fluid was clean and smelled good too. Hoped this helps and good luck! Linda :o)