Mitsubishi Repair: 1991 vr4, grateful dave, autozone
QuestionHi you smarter than me people, I pulled into my driveway and was low on gas. Later in the day I left for the gas station, pulled out of the driveway and my car [vr4] died as it did I thought I heard the fuel pump rev and then a really bad smell in the car, not one I have smelled before. It was only in the car not under the hood oh yea and it wasn't me. I put more gas in but it will not start. Please help thanks Dave forever grateful.
AnswerDave: Are you one of those people that let your car get down to "E" before filling it? Not that I am knocking you or anything, my son is the same way. But the fuel is what cools the fuel pump. Do that to much and you burn up the fuel pump. Or the computer of your car could have gone. Being the the smell was in the car with you, makes me think it was the computer that went. You know don't you that Mitsubushi farmed the building of their computers out to another company which did not make very good ones. With time a piece in those computers start to leak into the computer and will kill off the computer. I think maybe that smell in your car, was your computer of your car burning it's self up. As your car year is the right year for these bad computers. Though the car won't start, AutoZone would code your car for free to see if it might be the computer or a sensor. Other wise you could get a repair manual for your car and a voltmeter to check things out. Other wise, work your way to the computer and if it smells burnt. Then my friend sorry to say but your car's computer has burnt it's self up. You can either have the computer rebuilt a lot of companies on net will do that, buy a new one or find a car like your's in a junk yard and try useing that. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda