Mitsubishi Repair: ignition problem magna 1994, crank sensor, battery cables

I charged the battery and did not disconnect it battery is full but car want start. Did i burn some thing out  

Dan: I would have the car coded, sounds like it could be a sensor(s) or the computer. AutoZone will do this for free and rule out any problem with the computer or sensors. Mean while, how old is the starter? Is the battery, starter turning the engine fast or slow? When is the last time you did a tune up? Distributor cap, rotor, stark plugs, wires. Try taking the distributor cap loose then turn it one way or the other to see if the car will start then. In that distributor cap is a crank sensor. But also you know don't you that Mitsubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company but that company did not make very good ones. A piece will start to leak inside the computer and with time kills off the computer. Sometimes that shows up with problems like your car has now. But having your car coded explain that, if it is happening. But also check your battery cables are they tight? You could have the ignition checked too. I have given you some ideas to try. Hope this helps and good luck! Linda