Mitsubishi Repair: erratic fuel readings, expo lrv, tank lines
QuestionHow would I approach repairing erratic fuel readings. My car is a 1993 Mitsu
expo LRV. The fuel tank, lines, and rails were cleaned out last November. And
the fuel pump and filter was replaced too.
AnswerPilar: Need to have the car coded, sounds like a bad or weak sensor or sensors. Could be your computer is going, Mistubishi farmed out the building of their computers to another company which did not build very good ones. With time a piece in the computer will start to leak on other parts of the computer and so kill it off. So I would have the computer and the sensors checked. Got a AutoZone close by? They will code your car for free. Other wise get a repair manual and a voltmeter find out the readings yourself. Hope this helps and good luck!