Mitsubishi Repair: 2001 Mit. Eclipse, fuse one, light fuse
QuestionQUESTION: Headlight problem... Low beam lights just quit working High beam lights work fine. I have tried replacing the dimmer switch no luck. I have ruled out a bulb problem and have checked fuses for the lights. Is there anything else like a relay or switch that I can check at this point.
ANSWER: Steven: Never heard of the low beams quit working before, always the high beams. There is other fuses, larger ones in with the engine they are in large black boxes, one should be over as you open the hood of your car, by the driver's side of the car up by the fire wall. And then on the another on the other side of the car, over around the battery there should be two more. They have relays, larger fuse one of those might be your problem. Or you could have a problem inside your steering column, in the way of a short. In my repair manual there is something called a combintaion meter, to do with the beams. That might be bad. You might have to take the car into a shop or dealership to find the problem. Because sometimes these things are really hard to find. But first try on of those black boxes in with the engine. This might just be a relay bad and so out someplace. I hope this helps and good luck!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I saw these black boxes inside the fuse box. One of them marked a light fuse looks like headlight. Does this black larger looking fuse/relay come all the way out or does it open and the contents are inside? I pulled on it a little and it didn't seem to want to come out to easy.
AnswerSteven: The tops of those boxes come off and then the relays as well as larger size fuses are inside. But you take the top off, then useing the top as it tells what each thing is for, you find the relay or the fuse, then check it. You might need a screwdriver to get the top up and off. Might need a flashlight to see how the box top comes off. But you can remove it to find out if your car's problem is inside. You might have to try to find a repair manual for your car, at any parts store for around $20.00, it would have in it the light diagrams so that you might be able to follow the wiring. I still think you should check the wiring in your steering column, as to change the lights from low to high, you pull on the turn signal( oh shoot I can not come up with a word that I want) but you know what you pull on to make your headlights go from low to high or high to low. There could be a problem with the piece or a piece around it could have broke so causing a short in there. The reason your lights will go to high only not low. But listen you need to becareful because your car is new enough that you could set off that airbag. You need to make sure that the SIR system is disabled before doing anything around that steering column. Reason I thought you should take your car to a shop. Hope this helps and good luck!