Mitsubishi Repair: Parking/neutral switch, mitsubishi galant, wal mart stores
I have a Mitsubishi Galant DE from 1998 and I was told that my reverse lights are not working when I park my car and go reverse, I checked both the fuse and the bulbs, both bulbs, and it's still not working. Is there a way to tell/test is the Parking/neutral switch is working properly or this is the problem, I can replace it but I don't want to spend $80 to buy a new one to find out that not the switch is the problem.
I want to add that everything else is working properly, all the lights are fine the transmission is working fine.
Thank you,
AnswerSebastian: Hello. I would say if the lights are ok and no fuses are bad. Then you have a bad switch. You could go to any parts store, buy yourself a repair manual for your car. I use Haynes and in that manual were will be a good wiring diagram. It will show you how your car is wired and there that switch is. You could useing that manual and a voltmeter, check the wires too. The manual would explain what readings you should be getting. And then you would know for sure. Bulbs are kind of hard to read at times, and buying two of them would not be very costly. You could try checking them. Sometimes older bulbs do not fit down in like they should. So they do not reach the power and so do not come on. But if that does not work, I would say your switch is bad. Only way to check to see if your car's wiring is good, would be with that voltmeter. Sears or Wal-Mart stores sell them and they are not very costly. I hope this helps and good luck!