Mitsubishi Repair: alternator, shop teacher, control voltage
QuestionI have a 1998 mits. gallant es, i recently burnt up a belt and found out it was the alternator that was burnt up aswell. i replaced the alternator and aswell a new battery. but it seems to not keep a charge and i need to figure out why its not charging the battery. i can charge my battery all night and have it working for couple hours the next day but will die in middle of operation. my auto shop teacher said something about a control voltage. how do i go about fixing my alternator or getting it to start recharging my battery?
AnswerAndrew: First off I would check your alternator and make sure it is good. Sometimes you can get a bad one when you buy a different one. You should go out and buy yourself a repair manual for your car, can buy one at any parts store for around $20.00. If you don't want to do that, then go to your library most will carry repair manual for cars. In my repair manual there is a Chapter called Engine electrical systems, in that chapter there is a part called "Charging system check. I will give you some ideas to check, but the list is a long one. 1. Check the drivebelt tension to make sure it is right. 2. Check and make sure the alternator mounting and adjustment bolts are tight. 3, Inspect alternator wiring harness and the connectors at the alternator and voltage regulator. They must be in good condition and tight. 4.Check the fusible link if equipped. Located between starter and alternator. 5. Start engine and check the alternator for abnormal noises as you could have a bad bearing. 6. Are you sure your battery is ok, one bad cell would mess up the whole charging system. If you are going to college well your auto shop teacher should have a test light to check your system. Surely the school has repair manuals? You need to start with your battery and work your way through the system useing a voltmeter. When I went to college and in auto shop class they taught us how to do this. So get your teacher to help you, useing that voltmeter, you should be able to tell what is going on and where you problem is. But if you are going to own a car, then you need to have a repair manual for that car too. Not the one that came with the car but a repair manual. Hope this helps and good luck!